About Course
Business Division
Degree S7302
The A.S. Degree in Computer Programming is designed to prepare students for a career in computer programming. The degree offers a balanced set of classes that provides students with client, server and database programming skills required by the industry. Emphasis is placed on object-oriented programming applications, configuring servers, creating and navigating databases, and reusable software components. Students will demonstrate the ability to design and implement business environment applications that will contain the front end user interface and back end database. Student in this program select one of the following three programming language concentrations: C++, Visual Basic.NET or Java. Career opportunities available after the completion of this degree include programming for systems, mobile devices, device drivers and software engineering. Students wishing a bachelor’s degree (transfer program) should meet with a counselor or advisor to discuss transferability of courses.
This degree requires the completion of General Education coursework plus the following:
Correction: “Required Electives” section reads “3.5 – 7”, but for “Web” concentration “CISW 17 (3 units) PLUS “CISW 31/31L (3.5 units) or CISW 24/24L (3.5 units)” is 6.5 units. Therefore, “6.5 – 7” for “Required Electives” and “Total Units” is 26-27 (instead of 23-27). 7/26/2023
CIS Program Website
This course includes: