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About Course

An Associate Degree is equivalent to the first two years of a four-year university degree. Universities in British Columbia will guarantee 60 transfer credits to holders of an Associate Degree. Students must meet the grade point average (GPA) established by each university for admission. Upon completion, students qualify to apply for a post-graduate work permit in Canada.

• The Associate of Science Degree in Computer Science provides students with knowledge of the principles and science that underlie computing. It also prepares students to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field.

• Students will build a solid foundation in computer systems, software engineering, foundational programming, web development and systems design.

• Graduates will acquire working knowledge of computer architecture and data science.

• Students will gain practical skills in solving computing problems of our digital age through the use of mathematics.

• Students will be taught to program and innovate software catering to modern technology and design.

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