About Course
About This Course
This interdisciplinary programme equips practitioners with the depth of insight necessary to working in the best interests of children and young people. The programme offers new ways of thinking about the position of children and young people in society and creates a critical bridge between theoretical perspectives, policy and practice. This course may be of particular interest to those working with/for children and graduates of childhood studies, health, social policy and education who wish to deepen their knowledge and child-centred research expertise.
Course Content
What will you study on this course?
As a student on this course, you will develop your understanding of significant matters and debates relating to and impacting on the lives of children and young people in society. For example:
Social and cultural representations and meanings of childhood in the 21st century
Children’s Rights in local and global contexts
The complex interactions between the spaces children and young people inhabit
Surveillance and policing of children in society
Youth vulnerability, exploitation and development
Children’s lives in the context of the changing nature of families and family life
Researching children’s lives
All students will carry out a research project about, with or for children and young people. Topics can be based on student’s area of interest or current professional practice context, in consultation with tutors.
Students of this course will be thoroughly prepared to enhance practice within the children’s work force. This could include education, children’s advocacy, youth justice, research, family support work, health or any aspect of work with and for children and young people.
This course includes: