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About Course

About This Course

A course in creative writing may be the first step towards a writing career, or a chance for more experienced writers to develop their work from a new perspective. Creative writing at Bangor University offers a range of opportunities for postgraduate study in a dynamic critical and creative environment. Bangor University has significant experience in this discipline and a flourishing postgraduate community.

Our MA in Creative Writing is taught by staff who are both published writers and practising academics thoroughly experienced in the challenges of university research.

Research Opportunities

Practising writers are regularly invited to share their insights with students.


An MA in Creative Writing may lead to a career as a novelist, poet or playwright. Planning and developing a substantial writing project is a good preparation for future funded or commissioned writing, as well as for an academic career in practice-based research. This course also offers a range of skills that can be applied in other contexts, for example editing, publishing, journalism and arts administration. The ability to use language fluently and persuasively is essential for success in almost any field, and the flexibility of working across genres in this course offers an excellent grounding in creative language use.

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