About Course
The MA Ceramics & Maker course aims to enable you to identify your true interests and concerns as an artist, designer or maker and to develop appropriate methods to explore your ideas and articulate or express them effectively in imaginative or innovative ways through a range of media. This Master’s degree encourages you to engage with key theories and contemporary debates, fostering your understandings of the ways in which these influence the development, expression and communication of your ideas, which will impact upon the success of your future practice as an artist, maker or academic. The MA Ceramics & Maker course is for individuals seeking to extend and develop their practice as well as deepen their knowledge and understandings of the subject, as future practitioners, researchers or academics.
Exit points: On completing 60 credits in total students may be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate; On completing 120 credits in total students may be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma; On completing 180 credits in total students will be awarded a Master’s Degree.Assessment.The learning outcomes are assessed within the modules through a variety of methods including essays, presentations and project work etc, as seen in individual module descriptors. Assessment takes place at strategic points in the academic year to enable and support your continued development. Group critiques and tutorials offer continuous feedback opportunities. Peer and self-assessment is used extensively.Employability & Careers
The MA Ceramics & Maker programme enables students to enhance their careers as, or to become, established artists, makers, or designers leading towards a career, a PhD, or to a Professional Doctorate in either art or design. Cardiff School of Art and Design offers Professional Doctoral programs in both Art and Design. The MA Ceramics & Maker programme is designed to enable students to achieve the attributes of greater flexibility, adaptability, and individual responsibility and autonomy as professional designers or researchers. The course aims to develop individuality, creativity, self-reliance, initiative, and the ability to perform in rapidly changing environments as well as increasing competence with research skills and methods which will make graduates highly employable as academics and/or researchers, or enable them to develop an active and sustained practice as designers.
This Masters programme enables graduates, mid-career and professional practitioners from within and outside of the disciplines of Ceramics & Making to negotiate and examine strategies of Practice through the medium of Ceramics and yet being able to create their own hybrids of material based practice that can further enhance the territory that Ceramics can occupy. All students receive individual PDP tutorials to support employability and life-long learning. Students will be expected to maintain learning journals evidencing continuous visual documentation that integrates opportunities for self-reflection in order to help them develop as effective and confident learners.