About Course
Innovation is crucial for future proofing society. Informed by economic, ethical, societal and technological contexts, it requires an entrepreneurial mindset which is adaptable to constant change. This Masters Degree in Creative Enterprise and Innovation aims to develop and launch students’ own businesses through research-led practice and practice-led research, provides an academic pathway through which you can develop your enterprise idea and advance your business proposition ready for commercial development or launch.
It aims to evolve your entrepreneurial approaches to their practice, equipping you with the research and business skills needed for starting and sustaining a business. Our Creative Enterprise MA allows you to explore a research and enterprise interest in relation to art and design, design craft, the cultural and creative industries or social enterprise; providing an environment for you to benefit from others working in neighbouring creative practices.
The programme enables you to establish and expand specialised knowledge through research-led practice and practice-led research spanning human centred design, wellbeing and inclusive design, human experience and ethical, sustainable practices. We will enable you to locate your research interests within the wider global, ethical, social and political contexts relevant to the landscape of contemporary art and design research, fostering the critical thinking that will assist you in your career.
The learning outcomes are assessed within the modules through a variety of methods including essays, presentations and project work etc, as seen in individual module descriptors. Assessment takes place at strategic points in the academic year to enable and support your continued development. Group critiques and tutorials offer continuous feedback opportunities. Peer and self-assessment is used extensively.
Employability & Careers
The programme provides an academic pathway through which students can develop their enterprise idea and develop their business proposition ready for commercial development or launch. It aims to develop students’ entrepreneurial approaches to their practice, equipping them with research and business skills needed for starting and sustaining a business. Students can exit at Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma levels.