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About Course

Do you want to learn how to turn your ideas into reality? Whether you plan to manage the next generation of film and television programmes, shape a career as a development exec or production manager, or even run your own production company, this course will give you the practical and theoretical grounding to achieve your ambitions in the dynamic world of media production.

You will learn from professionals with experience from across the industry including line producers, directors and first assistant directors.
Work in a production office environment to plan your projects, mirroring industry practice.
Work collaboratively with students in related subjects (directing, editing, sound design, screenwriting and cinematography), learn how to work collaboratively in a creative environment, mirroring industry practice.
Graduate from an International Moving Image Society (IMIS) accredited degree, awarded to practice-based courses that best prepare students for a career in the industry.
Learn from industry guest speakers and get involved in the alumni mentoring scheme to build your skills.
Take advantage of opportunities with RedBalloon, an award-winning professional production unit based in the Faculty of Media and Communication.
Take the opportunity to apply for a BAFTA scholarship programme for a chance to receive financial support towards your studies, mentoring support from a BAFTA member and access to BAFTA events around the UK.


This course equips you with the skills to help you to succeed in a variety of production roles. Our graduates have gone on to prosper in careers with cutting-edge production companies and media organisations, utilising the practical experience and industry understanding they have developed during their studies.

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