About Course
About This Course
This new MA course has been designed for those wanting to become professional publishers of printed pages and digital texts – making creative and business decisions informed by knowledge and experience of the culture, history, technology, and social impact of the book.
Through this course you will develop a broad knowledge and understanding of: the processes by which books are produced; the shape of the book publishing industry; the economic and cultural forces that define it; and ,the role that digital and other innovations play.
You will gain practical, hands-on experience in the production of print and digital books, taking texts from acquisition through to marketing and distribution. You will also examine how books acquire value as objects of desire, as objects of entertainment and culture, and as objects for the development and dissemination of knowledge and information.
This course provides the opportunity to study the book as a commercial and cultural product. You will explore the range of values that society invests in books, and how that value has altered with cultural, commercial and technological developments. Understanding and experience of the book publishing industry is informed by study of the book’s role in society – past, present, and future.
Professionals in the publishing industry emphasise that success in the field builds from passion for books, an understanding of audiences and markets, and a recognition of the value of data and professional practices.
This course, with its balance of publishing practice, industry awareness, and appreciation for the ways that the book is valued in the marketplace and in culture, provides a strong platform for entry into that field.
The expansion of digital publishing, the growing sophistication of interactive e-books and the popularity of e-readers and tablets have brought new dimensions to the industry. Graduates will be prepared for opportunities in editorial, design, production, marketing and sales departments and the growing digital market.