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About Course

The Master of Architecture at Cardiff Met aims to nurture the next generation of architects, enabling you to successfully address fundamental themes and concerns at global, national and regional levels.

Among these is the architect’s all-important responsibility to effectively tackle climate change in a creative manner. You will embrace mitigation and adaptation strategies for healthy, sustainable and resilient communities in a way that is fully integrated with the other aspects of the architectural profession.

This Master of Architecture degree will provide you with an understanding of human-centred design issues, including life safety, comfort and universal access, all interpreted both at the building and the urban scale.

The March at Cardiff Met takes full advantage of the rich and stimulating context of Cardiff School of Art and Design to encourage an interdisciplinary approach to architectural studies.

You will become a well-rounded, flexible graduate, capable of adapting to a variety of professional scenarios and changing circumstances.

This programme is subject to validation for September 2023 entry.

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