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About Course

About This Course

Our Masters by Research degrees involve undertaking a scheme of study and research, defined in advance (normally by the student), which will normally be (a) a critical evaluation and analysis of a body of knowledge, and/or (b) an original contribution to the field. For MMus by Research, projects normally involve composition or performance as a major part of the research process and submission.

Each student has a supervisory committee, consisting of a principal supervisor, a personal tutor, and another staff member with relevant expertise. Research students have regular meetings with their principal supervisor (normally once a fortnight), and are welcome to consult other members of their committee as appropriate. They are encouraged to present reports on their work in seminars and colloquia during their period of study.

Submission for MMus by Research

A submission for MMus by Research normally comprises a textual submission (setting out research questions, methodology and findings, and explaining how the practice-based work demonstrates research outcomes, and not exceeding 15,000 words), in addition to one of the following:

Composition: A portfolio of compositions, consisting of around 60 minutes of music.
Performance: A public recital of around 50-60 minutes’ duration.

Final assessment is by means of a viva voce examination by an appointed panel consisting of an internal examiner from within the School (not identical with members of the supervisory committee), one external examiner who is an expert in the field, and a chair.

Research Opportunities

The School of Music has long experience of establishing collaborative links, often combined with full funding. Recent Masters by Research projects have been carried out in association with organisations such as Venue Cymru and the National Waterfront Museum.


During the programme, students will attain mastery of their field and be in a position to make a significant and original contribution to their subject area. Many students go on to undertake postgraduate research at PhD level. The independent, self-motivated and self-directed nature of the learning process qualifies graduates for managerial positions, professional research roles, high-level creative occupations, and academic careers.

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