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About Course

The aim of this programme is to provide individuals with a platform to explore, analyse and interpret contemporary biological data. This course offers Masters level instruction in Bioinformatics with a focus on genomic bioinformatics.

The aim of this programme is to provide individuals with a platform to explore, analyse and interpret contemporary biological data. This course offers Masters level instruction in Bioinformatics with a focus on genomic bioinformatics. You will develop key skills for the analyses of omics data including genomics data from next generation sequencing technologies. Additional skills around emerging omics including metabolomics and proteomics will also be developed.

This programme has been designed with the needs of academic research, biotechnology and the pharmaceutical and health care industries in mind. We will provide instruction in computational and statistical biosciences and students will foster these additional complementary skills required to enable individuals to work effectively within a multidisciplinary bioinformatics arena.

Aims of the Programme

This course was first established over a decade ago in response to the emerging informatics needs of the genetics and genomics communities following the completion of the first drafts of the human genome project. Subsequent advances in research technologies and analytic approaches have dictated the continuing evolution of this programme to provide contemporary instruction in these new essential skills.

Providing a strong platform for students entering from the biological, mathematical or computational sciences, this course provides modules in core complementary areas such as in computation/scripting, statistics and molecular biology; the fundamental building blocks necessary to succeed in bioinformatic analysis and interpretation.

As an introduction – you will be taught essential organisational and coding skills required for effective bioinformatics and biostatistical analysis.

One of the unique components of this course is the extended instruction in statistics provided by the Statistics for Bioinformatics and Genetic Epidemiology module.

You will also be introduced to the molecular and cellular biology behind the data. This is invaluable if you are entering from a non-life sciences background to make informed decisions around data interpretation.

You will extend your bioinformatics studies by focusing on next generation sequencing technologies and other developing omics platforms such as proteomics and metabolomics.

We are committed to developing transferable skills and to improving graduate employability. We want highly capable graduate informaticians who can fulfil the growing bioinformatics needs of local, national and international employers.

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