About Course
Data analytics attracts considerable international attention, with the current and forecasted demand for skilled graduates in data analytics far outstripping the supply. There has been a phenomenal recent growth rate in the need for expertise in data analytics (e.g. relating to big data, in financial technology, and in marketing). Strong and sustained trends in the ever wider proliferation of data have led to employers in varied industries and businesses seeking staff with postgraduate level skills in data analytics.
Our MSc programme is particularly focused towards employability and equipping students with the attributes to succeed in a range of potential career roles. Bangor Business School’s MSc Business Data Analytics delivers a distinct offering due to our established strengths in banking, finance, investment and marketing subjects.
As a graduate of this programme, you understand that data is increasingly important in many aspects of our everyday lives and careers. The skillsets developed in data analytics, statistical methods and quantitative applications will be highly valued and sought after in a range of business sectors. We will instill an appreciation of how different industries use data analysis, how to model data using advanced tools and coding languages, and how to communicate your insights to deliver meaningful change. You will also possess the ability to work independently to produce valuable insights for your employer or in your own business.
Why choose Bangor University for this course?
- Market demand exceeds supply for MSc graduates in data analytics.
- Develop skills that are sought after in many business sectors.
- An appealing choice of summer projects and dissertations.
- Bangor’s renowned expertise in banking and finance is integrated within this programme.
- January and September intakes.
This course includes: