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About Course

This is an exciting new course that is currently being developed. This page will be updated with more information in April 2021. Please register your interest and we will email you when the course is open for applications.

Why study MSc Cognitive Neuroscience at BU?

  • Develop the skills for a career in cognitive neuroscience; particularly neuroimaging, EEG, and brain stimulation, through theoretical understanding and practical applications
  • Acquire experience and expertise in experimental design, advanced statistical analysis, and evaluation of research in different disciplines within psychology and cognitive neuroscience
  • Enhance your knowledge and understanding of the core areas of common concern in psychology and cognitive neuroscience, including attention, learning, vision, memory and language, and the strategy of cross-disciplinary research in theory and application development
  • Develop critical evaluation of the major issues, investigative strategies, and empirical findings of recent attempts to integrate the different approaches of cognitive neuroscience
  • Learn to critically evaluative and develop analytical skills to address your own and others’ research, including summarising, assessing, and reflecting upon theory and methodology through a range of communication and audio-visual strategies, including written, oral, and conference poster presentations
  • Benefit from the knowledge of our expert staff in relation to how the brain supports cognitive processing and behaviour.
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