About Course
This course addresses the need for creative professionals who are equipped with the IT skills, digital fabrication skills, simulation software skills, or the ability to design custom-software development tools to solve unique design problems.
This course addresses the need for creative professionals who are equipped with the IT skills, digital fabrication skills, simulation software skills, or the ability to design custom-software development tools to solve unique design problems. Our multidisciplinary approach will provide students with the knowledge and skills to discover innovative computational methods for use in the creative and design industries. In particular, we will look at form-finding using parametric and generative methods, preparing digital information for further rigorous analysis, and integrating the logic of digital fabrication into the early stages of design.
You will be taught by experts across the subjects of architecture, computer science and engineering, which will give you a distinctly interdisciplinary approach to looking at design.
The ethos of the course is based on the concept of rigorous creativity where algorithmic thinking, systematic parametric design, analytic methods, creative intuition and tectonic sensibilities are integrated into a more innovative design outcome than traditional methods currently allow.
During the course, you will be able to develop and specialise in areas of interest to you through a range of optional modules and your choice of dissertation topic. Topics you may specialise in include algorithmic thinking in parametric design and form-finding, performance-based design and analysis, or design for digital fabrication.
This course includes: