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About Course

Cyberspace is a vast, complex and still evolving community that presents enterprise, industry and governments with on-going security management challenges, as it grows on an exponential scale.

This course has been developed in response to the needs of the computing and security sectors worldwide. You will be equipped with the ability to assess risk, anticipate and manage security incidents, and develop and assess security procedures and policies.

Your learning will be enhanced by access to cyber security and digital forensics laboratories with state-of-the-art simulation and analytical systems relevant to intrusion detection, incident management, forensic analysis and system penetration testing. From the labs we can see where cyber attacks are happening all over the world, and what attacks are happening and being stopped at BU.

The security of data is fundamental to any business, and IT professionals are increasingly aware of the complexities involved in protecting information, assets, knowledge and intellect. As cyberspace stores more and more information, specialists in security who are ahead of the game will become a critical element in reducing risk.

On this course, you will gain an understanding of the psychology of cyber security by investigating threats, vulnerabilities and impact risk; the contagion of fear, uncertainty and doubt; managing human factors in security; trust management and information assurance. You will develop a deep and holistic awareness of cyber security and human factors.

An exciting and valuable part of this course is the option to do a work placement, which provides an excellent opportunity for you to gain first-hand work experience and apply the learning that you have acquired through the course, especially if you are considering a change in career or direction.


The optional placement provides an excellent opportunity for you to gain first-hand industry experience and apply the learning that you have achieved through the course. The placement can be paid employment but voluntary work can be just as enjoyable.


As the security of data is fundamental to any business, you will possess high marketability in the professional arena and be qualified to enjoy career opportunities in a wide variety of industries.

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