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About Course

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), ubiquitous sensing and wearable technologies have rapidly led to their adoption in digital healthcare. Hospitals and healthcare industries are using AI to provide effective and smart solutions for patients care.

  • Innovative AI-based solutions enable more performing diseases diagnoses, personalised treatment plans, together with advanced assistive technologies, for sustainable patients health monitoring and tailored response to their care
  • Graduate as an AI specialist in the area of digital health – you’ll understand the challenges in designing and deploying AI-driven digital health products in an industry where regulation, responsibility and legal implications are of paramount importance
  • Capture the requirements for adopting AI solutions to digital healthcare, with assurances of their ethical, safe and effective deployments
  • Develop a strong technical understanding of digital healthcare technologies combined with AI – essential in advancing 21st-century digital healthcare in the years to come
  • Tailor your learning towards the areas that interest you, with option units covering topics such as neuronal analysis, smart systems, computer vision and Blockchain.
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