About Course
This conversion course is delivered by the AACSB-accredited Business School, an accreditation attained by fewer than 5% of business schools worldwide. It recognises our focus on excellence in all areas.
The course will develop you into a lateral thinker capable of seeing things differently to those around you. With that skillset, you’ll be in a great position to take exciting new ideas to market, and create successful businesses around them.
To help you get there, you’ll gain insights into, and practical experience of, the issues facing new business ventures as well as ways of breathing new life into established businesses by fostering creativity, design and new ways of thinking. You’ll build theoretical knowledge alongside the core business skills you need to start new enterprises and transform existing ones through innovations in product, process or business models.
You’ll take your knowledge and understanding to new levels as the course highlights the networks and relationships needed for collaborative work in increasingly international markets for goods and services. You’ll execute a major practical exercise to help launch your new career and also have the chance to spend some time on a work placement, helping you to prepare for your future career.
An exciting and valuable part of your studies with us is the opportunity to gain valuable experience through full-time paid industrial placements, for a minimum of 30 weeks. You will have the option to start your placement when the taught units of the course are finished, before the dissertation.
This course will give you real insight and experience into the issues facing new business ventures. Having an in-depth understanding of the key business skills needed to start enterprises is important for getting ahead in the industry, and this is something you’ll learn through this course. You will also gain intermediate awards such as PGCert and PGDip.
This course includes: