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About Course

Sustainability has become one of the core business priorities in a globalised market, companies of all sizes are looking for visionary experts who can understand the challenges faced in both sustainability and business, and help develop solutions to mitigate climate change, reduce biodiversity loss and inequality across all facets of society.

To respond to global business challenges, the MSc International Business and Sustainability Programme aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of multinational corporations and other international firms as well as sustainability practices. The research-led programme is designed to help you acquire advanced knowledge in the relationships between international business, environment and society, and how international business can address the overarching social and environmental problems of climate change and biodiversity loss effectively.

Through a combination of theoretical and practical modules, you will develop business, forward-thinking, and analytical skills which are essential for success in driving business forward both sustainably and holistically. In addition, training in research methods with particular application to the empirical study of international business and sustainable development will help you gain comprehensive understanding of this dynamic field, and be well-prepared for careers in the business, NGOs, government and academia.

The MSc International Business and Sustainability will be delivered at Brunel Business School, which is credit by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), The association of MBAs (AMBA), The Principles for Responsible Management Education (UN PRME), and The Small Business Charter (SBC).

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