About Course
Unlike other courses that focus on offender assessment and rehabilitation, this degree will examine the theoretical and investigative aspects of forensic psychology.
You’ll benefit from using our superb facilities, all designed to mimic the situations you will encounter in your career. These include our on-campus Crime Scene Training Centre, mock courtrooms and psychology testing suites with the latest eye-tracking and face-processing equipment.
This course considers all aspects of forensic psychology, preparing you for every step of the criminal justice process from the crime scene to the courtroom. As well as the underlying theories regarding the psychology of investigations and considering areas such as how face-processing can assist identification of individuals, you will explore different offence types – sexual offending, murder and violent crime, group offending, and different forms of cyber-crime.
You’ll be expected to investigate and scrutinise violent mocked-up crime scenes to provide written and verbal evidence, learning how to present expert witness testimony in a mock court.
You will evaluate victims, witnesses, suspects and offenders, environment, geography and time, working with practitioners who create fieldwork, case studies and exercises based on their real experiences.
This course will give you a sound understanding knowledge of how and where you can responsibly and pragmatically apply knowledge and findings from research into real-world situations and within a number of potential work environments.
During the course, you will be made aware of your professional responsibilities working in the field – for example when writing reports, being an expert witness or conducting research. These can include consideration of ethics, managing personal development and building resilience.
This course includes: