About Course
About This Course
Our understanding of modern molecular biology and genetics, and it’s application in medical research, has led to huge advances in the diagnosis, prognosis and development of clinical treatments of human diseases. Students choosing to study the Medical Molecular Biology with Genetics MSc will enjoy a highly integrated postgraduate course, which combines modern in-depth molecular biology and genetics knowledge and theories, with extensive hands-on practical experience in their application in the medical laboratory.
The course is a full-time program consisting of three semesters. Semesters one and two comprise a range of lecture, seminar, practical and research techniques modules covering key cutting edge topics of modern medical molecular biology and genetics. The summer semester consists of a laboratory based research project and dissertation. Research projects are available in a number of areas, linked with the research interests of the members of NWCR Institute and School of Medical Sciences.
Successful graduates from the Medical Molecular Biology with Genetics MSc will have developed subject-specific theoretical knowledge, practical laboratory experience and a set of transferable skills required to independently adapt and optimize scientific methodologies, critically interpret and evaluate self-generated and published scientific literature and data and undertake a predominantly self-reliant approach to laboratory based work, study and research. These skill sets will greatly facilitate progression onto PhD level studies in medical molecular research or employment in molecular diagnostics/medical sciences industries.
This course includes: