About Course
Communication has always been integral to politics and politics to communication but the interplay between them is changing dramatically in the social media age and as new forms of politics emerge in spaces as far afield as Trump’s America, Brexit Britain or Modi’s India. Such developments challenge at a global and national level the taken-for-granted assumptions about what is political and how we communicate it. The Political Communication MSc aims to tap into growing interest nationally and internationally in how to make sense of these developments and what they may mean for political communication professionals working in areas as diverse as election campaigns, PR and crisis communication, political satire, or journalism.
The new interdisciplinary degree is unique in offering a strong practical strand of modules that aim to upskill you within a theoretically robust degree. The academic component of the degree aims to critically examine current developments but also locates them historically and within an internationalised curriculum. You will have the opportunity to take practical modules or theory-practical offering the potential to upskill in different types of writing, technical competencies and presentational elements on practical modules.
The academic component is grounded in a flagship module in political communication which locates current developments historically, theoretically and critically as well as nationally and internationally. You will not only study conventional political communication topics on elections, but also learn about digital cultures, political satire and fake news. Crucially, in an age where facial recognition, AI, deep fakes and micro-behavioural targeting are creating new possibilities and challenges, you will also study international media ethics.
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This course includes: