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About Course

Our course provides you with the knowledge and understanding that will enable your current creative skills to grow into exciting and engaging teaching for the classroom. The course is a practice-based programme that will fully support you into becoming a confident, dynamic and creative teacher committed to making history accessible for all.

Central to the curriculum is the study of history pedagogy and professional practice, which you will access through a synthesis of practical workshops, lectures, seminar groups and individual study.

Curriculum workshops are a key element of your course. Dedicated, full-time history lecturers and teachers deliver these in our specialist education classrooms and lecture theatres. The workshops enable you to experience and develop your understanding of subject pedagogy through topics such as: History and British values, teaching controversial issues, teaching the Holocaust, using the National Archives as a teaching resource, learning outside of the classroom, use of artefacts inside the classroom, as well as Key Stage 3 National Curriculum topics, GCSE and A Level History topics.

At least two thirds of the course takes place within school. You will be placed in a minimum of two history departments.

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