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About Course

Our course provides you with the knowledge and understanding that will enable your current creative skills to grow into exciting and engaging teaching for the classroom. The course is a practice-based programme that will fully support you in becoming a confident, dynamic and creative teacher committed to making learning of many types accessible for all.

Central to the curriculum is the study of the subject-specific pedagogies and professional practice required for the teaching of PE and Biology which you will access through a synthesis of practical workshops, lectures, seminar groups and individual study.

Curriculum workshops are a key element of your course. In PE, dedicated lecturers and teachers deliver these in our specialist education classrooms and lecture theatres. The workshops enable you to experience and develop your understanding of subject pedagogy through topics such as: Physical literacy, growth mindset through PE, dance in the curriculum, gymnastics, invasion games, net and wall games, target games and athletics, health and safety, as well as Key Stage 3 National Curriculum topics, GCSE and A Level PE topics.

Similarly in Biology, specialist lecturers and teachers deliver sessions in purpose built facilities that replicate the best on offer in schools. As a proven specialist in PE, you will recognise and develop your skills regarding your second subject knowledge, creating and applying signature pedagogies that link subject philosophies, educational theory in the subject, and classroom practice. Through additional practical workshops you will understand the nature of learning in Biology, and the most effective methods to allow your students to access that learning.

At least two thirds of the course take place within the school. You will be placed in a minimum of two PE departments.

Taught modules, assignments and School Based Training are structured around the development of your Progress Journal which demonstrates your progress against our ITE Core Curriculum. Our ambitious curriculum incorporates the ITT Core Content Framework (DfE, 2019) and the nationally agreed competences – the Teachers’ Standards, which all teachers must meet throughout their career.

The Progress Journal also maps your development as a subject specialist with reference to identified subject priorities appropriate to the needs of secondary teachers entering the profession. A system of continuous review and assessment of progress within the Progress Journal will support your growing ability to take responsibility for your own professional development and ensure that you approach QTS with a sound understanding of research-informed pedagogies and practices

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