About Course
Course Overview
The PgD Dietetics degree is approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and are also accredited by the British Dietetic Association. During the programme students are educated to be responsive practitioners, able to adapt to the changing needs of society. The course is designed to produce critically thinking and reflective professionals who have comprehensive theoretical knowledge, along with a spirit of enquiry and an analytical and creative approach to problem solving. This contains the taught academic element, which is closely aligned to the BSc (Hons) Human Nutrition and Dietetics programme and three periods of practical training on placements within the NHS. On completion students can graduate with a Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics, which leads to eligibility to apply to the HCPC to register as a Dietitian. The taught academic part of the course contains six modules at Level 7 (Masters). In addition, students study professional body modules (level 5) in order to fulfil the requirements of the Health and Care Professions Council and the British Dietetic Association curriculum guidelines. These include Psychology and Sociology.
Each module is assessed by examination and/or assignment. The methods of assessment include examinations, coursework, assignments, practical’s, work based placements, presentations All Level 7 modules are double marked. All the modules are externally assessed. The clinical training placements have to be successfully completed to proceed and graduate.
Employability & Careers
Dietitians normally begin their career in the National Health Service where they progress to the main clinical grades. The opportunity exists for specialisation in various aspects of dietetics by means of post-registration education. In addition there are opportunities for dietitians to be involved in health education/promotion, education, research and journalism.