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About Course

About This Course

This programme is taught through the medium of English but you can read about the course in Welsh here.

This course is also available as a MSc. The Dissertation for the full MSc is additional to the 2 years funding.

The main aim of this programme is to produce graduates who are fit for practice and eligible to apply for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and membership with the professional, educational and trade union body, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).

The programme offers a challenging and rewarding educational experience that enables the student to develop as a competent physiotherapy practitioner, who places the patient at the heart of care and is capable of making a valuable contribution to the workplace. The programme will develop students’ understanding of physiotherapy theory as well as hands-on practice and will be rooted within the School of Health Sciences with its track record of excellence in research. This will ensure that the student develops an appreciation of evidence-based and innovative practice across a range of physiotherapy roles including in rural healthcare.

Students having successfully completed the Post Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy will be able to develop their knowledge and skills through the successful completion of the dissertation which is the final stage of the Master’s degree and will provide the student with the opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge to organise and conduct a research project or systematic review. The innovative educational approach to the programme will develop creative, skilled physiotherapists who will be able to pursue a career across a range of health and care settings.


As a career, physiotherapy represents an attractive profession which offers a wide range of flexible employment opportunities upon graduation.

Physiotherapists work in a variety of specialisms across the profession; ranging from delivering treatment as an active practitioner or being involved in education, research or management. Once registered with the HCPC, physiotherapists have the option of working within the UK National Health Service (NHS), or of pursuing a career within alternative healthcare environments such as in private practice, sport or the military for example.

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