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About Course

The PgDip is a highly interactive, online distance learning programme designed to provide the participant with a sound understanding of skin disease as it presents in practice, and to enable GPs to successfully manage dermatological problems in patients. The one year MSc is designed specifically for those who have completed our PgDip in Practical Dermatology and wish to pursue further studies in this field.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Practical Dermatology is for practising General Practitioners or other practising doctors who regularly deal with patients with dermatological problems.

This one-year, full-time distance learning course aims to enable doctors to successfully manage dermatological problems in patients presenting to their surgeries. It is a highly interactive programme designed to equip the general practitioner with a sound understanding of skin disease as it presents in practice.

It is delivered entirely online, allowing you the flexibility to balance your studies with your professional and personal commitments, and there is no requirement to travel to Cardiff for a final exam.

Those who successfully complete the PgDip and wish to pursue further studies in this field may be able to apply to progress to our one-year MSc in Practical Dermatology students are expected to use their individual study time to complete the modular learning material, which is available online, and complete further reading from dermatology text books and searches for material in journal articles and libraries. The success of the course therefore depends, to a large extent, on the input and enthusiasm of course participants.

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